



  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游
  • 几何跑酷手游

Play Games Summer Sale!
TOUCH ARCADE - 5/5 "Masterfully crafted"
POCKET GAMER - 8/10 "You've experienced nothing like FOTONICA"
Ever wondered what running at 140mph feels like? FOTONICA is a first-person game about the thrill of speed and traveling flawlessly through complex environments.
One-handed controls: hold your finger down to run, release to jump, hold in mid-air to dive and land.
FOTONICA is simple, but is not easy: it follows a tradition of arcade games that are easy to pick up and almost impossible to master. A multi-layered level design across eight different tracks, together with a procedural endless mode make for a game that is incredibly deep. Think you can outrun your friends? Try the split-screen versus challenges.
The visuals are a treat for the nostalgic player but also for those hungry for new aesthetics. Every pixel is drawn to convey the maximum sense of speed, an exhilarating journey through light and void.
- 8 Levels to explore and master.
- Plus 3 different endless levels to compete for high-scores.
- Two-player split-screen multiplayer mode on the same device!
- 18 Achievements to unlock plus game stats.
- Online rankings.
- Beautiful, smooth, and unique vector-style graphics.
- Electronic music by Michael Manning, Nicolò Sala, and legendary composer Baiyon.
- 2 Difficulty settings to let you play an even faster version of FOTONICA.
- Play in landscape or portrait mode.
- No ads, no in-app purchases.
- Record and share replays of your best runs.
GAMEPRO - 5/5 “This one button game has a lot more mileage than you might expect"
THE CREATORS PROJECT - “A veritable black hole to lose yourself in"
ARS TECHNICA - “Striking and instantly impressive"
ROCK, PAPER, SHOTGUN - “It’s a remarkable game, and unlike anything else I’ve played"
“Fantastic Arcade Spotlight Game 2014”
“EuroGamer Expo Selection”
“54th Biennale of Art in Venice Selection”
触摸商场 - 5/5“巧妙雕琢”
口袋Gamer - 8/10“你已经经历过什么样FOTONICA”
有没有想过什么样的感觉,在运行像140英里每小时? FOTONICA是第一人称游戏左右的速度的快感,并通过复杂的环境完美旅行
- 8水平,探索和掌握。
- 另外3个不同级别无尽的争夺高的分数。
- 在同一设备上两个玩家的分屏多人游戏模式!
- 18成就解锁游戏加统计。
- 在线排名。
- 靓丽,流畅,而独特的矢量风格的图形。
- 电子音乐由迈克尔·曼宁,尼科洛萨拉,和传奇作曲家Baiyon。
- 2难度设置,让你玩FOTONICA的更快版本。
- 玩在横向或纵向模式。
- 没有广告,没有在应用内购买。
- 您最佳的运行记录和分享重播。
GAMEPRO - 5/5“这个一键游戏有比你想象的多很多城市”
创想计划 - “一个真正的黑洞失去自己的”
Ars Technica的 - “醒目和令人印象深刻的瞬间”
岩石,纸,猎枪 - “这是一个了不起的游戏,不像别的我打过”


2015-04-01 收录版本:1.1.6

